I love Easter. Not because of the happy pastel colors or the first signs of spring. Not because of the beautiful colors you find all over the mall that shout 'summer is coming!' (I enjoy those things too), but I love Easter because it is a celebration of Jesus Christ sacrifice and the power he had to slay death and offer life everlasting! It is in Him, we find the hope of new life and life eternal. I love how the message of Christ goes along with all that is glorious about spring. It seems to go hand in hand with Jesus message of renewal....
I also must admitt I like dressing my children up in coordinating outfits. The rain was kindof a damper, but it was much needed. I had not originally planned on Maggie Beth wearing the bonnet. One, because I had cute bows to put in her hair, and two, we were going to be inside, and three, not much use for a sun bonnet if its raining. Well, Maggie Beth spotted the hat and that was the end of that. She insisted on the hat and was upset at my attempts to distract her and take it off her head. Nope. She was wearing the hat! Okay then, lets move on to pictures....

This isn't what I had pictured for an Easter photo, but we waited a little too late and had to take what we could get as we would be running late for church (which is never okay with my husband). Price thought he had picked a good spot for the photo op so I didn't want to change it.

Me and my lil Easter bunny!

My lil man

It was cool and raining.

Hunting for Easter eggs at Yaya and Poppy's house

Price was sweet. He didn't find quite as many eggs, because he was helping to ensure Maggie Beth found some too. Awww

She likes this 'game'

Price and Maggie Beth with cousins Brett and Kassity. Piper and Blade are in Florida and we missed them bunches....maybe next year!