Time is flying by much much faster than I appreciate. I feel I blink my eyes and the days go wizzing past me. Since I last posted, a lot has happened. I was in a car accident. It was a residential street and a woman ran a stop sign. I spun around in the street and ended up the opposite direction I was driving. You know the statistic that says accidents usually happen close to home? I was just 2 blocks from my drive way. I was fine and turns out the other person was my college room mate! She had just picked up her daughter from pre-school and was taking a different route home than usual, and never saw the stop sign. Fortunately, her daughter, her almost 2 year old son and unborn baby are all okay. I am too. I am still seeing a chiropractor (our friend Dr. Chris) and he continues to work out any kinks that come up.
The accident totaled out beloved swagger wagon. The insurance company came back with a fair offer and some amazing church friends gave us a gift to help with the purchase of a new van. The timing was more than perfect for my one year bonus from the church. God is so faithful to see us through every circumstance.
We found a 'new' van. We traveled to Broken Arrow the day of OU/TX; actually pulled into the parking lot of the dealership at kickoff. Jon said "I never thought I would be sitting in a dealership parking lot about to buy a minivan of all things, at the kickoff of an OU/TX game" Haha!..there is a reason God doesn't let us see what our future holds : ) The vehicle was a burgandy Toyota Sienna, just like my other one, just a different color. After test driving the van and paying for the car in full with cash : ) we made it to a sports grill for lunch. The kids were with us and they did AMAZING! Real troopers!! Maggie Beth rode with me in the van and slept the whole way home. As we hit the city, it began to rain. A nice soaking thunder and lightening storm. OU stomped a hole in Texas and we pulled out the Wii Dance Party game and had a nice family evening. It was a perfect end to an already great day.

The 'new' Swagger Wagon