"Teach your children to choose the right path and when they are older, they will remain upon it." Proverbs 22:6.
This scripture has been like a broken record in my head the last month or so; I can't escape it! I think about it, chew on it and pray it for myself as a Momma leading innocent little lambs. I have asked God what to do with it. How does He want me to apply it? We have created a habit of having a devotion in the morning over breakfast (about 5 minutes) and Price recites several memory verses and prays most nights before he goes to sleep. I kept feeling though that there should be a deeper level of learning and understanding for Price. He is capable. He has a child's heart. He is sensitive to things concerning God. As a result, I have put together a little study of the Bible in chronological order. Each day has a Bible story, activity and scripture. We will continue the scripture memory and I am on a hunt for a new devotion to start with the new school year. More than anything, I pray God blesses this time we share together in the Bible. I pray He captures my son's heart with his Holy Word, and this begins the start of a lifelong hunger and thirst know his heavenly Father. I pray Price grows in wisdom and that his heart longs to be like Jesus!