Maggie Beth is 8 months old! She is a little sweetheart! She sits up really well. She leans forward on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. If she tries to get something out of reach, she falls down on her tummy and will eventually get frustrated and roll over onto her back. She has one tooth and another is just below the gums. She gets excited when she sees drinks with straws, icecream and popsicles. She gets most excited when she sees Price! She says Mama, Da da, and Bubba. Though she may not know she is calling us by our "names" she has got us all covered! Watching Harley makes her giggle. She claps her hands when I say "pat-a-cake" and cries if I leave the room. In church, she sings. She says "aaaahhh" the whole time the band is playing. It is so darn cute! She LOVES bathtime, swimming in the pool and splashing her little hands in water on her high chair tray. She very much dislikes getting strapped into her carseat, but is fine once she is all buckled in. Her favorite snacks are graham crackers, nilla wafers, Gerber puffs and most any fruit. She eats best during lunch and she is a pro at the sippy cup! She naps at 9 am., 1 p.m., sleeping about 1 to 1.5 hours each time, and goes to bed around 8 p.m. She wakes around midnight and 5 a.m. to nurse and sometimes wakes between times wanting her bink (which makes for one tired Mama). Her day starts around 7 a.m. Maggie Beth is cuddly, sweet, dainty, smiley, happy and vocal. We love and adore our little angel baby!