It is an honor to be part of a family and be involved in each others lives. That is why I love seeing my nephew Brett and Price have such a fun loving relationship. They play so well together. Brett is quiet and reserved. Price is very outgoing and theatrical. Brett is passive and Price is straight forward. Brett is more bashful and seemingly compliant and Price is vocal and "an independent thinker"; which is just a nice way to say stubborn. (I love it though; it keeps me on my toes.)
Listening to the two of them is really cute. The story line they come up with for their adventures and creative play is hilarious. Recently, Brett came to spend the night. I love to let them play, work out their differences and get out as many toys as they want. I give them food and beverage when they ask for it, and I Velcro costumes when they need me to. Maggie Beth and I keep busy doing our own thing in the kitchen or reading books. The boys love to be in a world all their own without much interruption or instruction from me; and I love to just listen and watch from a distance. The fun from this sleep over was somewhat well documented. I just want to remember how cute they were and how sweet and simple life was when it was enough for them to take great pleasure in the small things....snow cones, pup tents, video games and buttery popcorn!
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