Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Beautiful Day

Today was a great day! We worked out in the yard as a family. Jon used a chainsaw and cut down limbs that had broken in the trees during the ice storm. I cleaned out the flowerbeds. It was so exciting to see all the new growth hiding under the leaves from last fall! Spring is coming!!

Price played in the yard. He brought out his big dump truck and hauled things around the yard. He played army men and Star Wars. He rode his tricycle and helped Jon. Maggie was entertained in her activity center and loved watching Price. She kicked around in her bouncy seat and smiled at me while I put mulch in the front flowerbed. It was so great to be in the sunshine, enjoying family and getting some spring cleaning done in the yard!

1 comment:

  1. Those are the cutest pics!!!! Maggie Beth is adorable--I just want to kiss those big cheeks!!!! You are such a good mommy Whit. Thanks for the conversation and encouragement. Love you friend.
