Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is going on?!

Since a week before we left for Durango, Maggie Beth has been sick. She had the classic signs of an ear infection (runny nose, cough, fever, not sleeping well and the obvious sign of pulling at her ears). After 10 days of Amoxacillin, and no improvement, we moved on to Omnicef. With high hopes it would work, we took that antibiotic for 5 days. After continuing to run a fever, we returned to the doctor's office. Maggie Beth still had an ear infection!! On to med #3. This time it was Augmentin. Twice a day for 10 days, we wrestled our beloved daughter aiming to get a dropper full of chalky white medicine down the hatch. Finally, after nearly 4 weeks of medicine, the doctor gives the all clear! No more ear infections! Yay! .....

But it is short lived. Maggie Beth starts running a fever again Dec 19. High fever. 104.5 We go back to the doctor on the 22nd. This time, it is not her ears. No one knows what is causing the fever. Our wonderful doctor and P.A. are concerned and very thorough. They do a catheter to test her urine for a UTI. Negative. They do a flu test. Negative. They order a chest xray. Nothing. We are thankful all these things came back normal, but what is causing our baby to be so sick? We really start praying and asking God to heal her and to make her better for Christmas day. 48 hours later, she is fever free....

December 28th, I come home from the church, and Price has a fever! Oh My Gosh!!!! His temp is 104 through the night. For the next four days he runs fever every 4 hours (as soon as the Motrin and Tylenol start to wear off). Saturday night, Maggie Beth is back at it again. This time with a runny nose. What in the world?! I take her back to the doctor on Monday. Ear infection. This time we get a referral to an ENT. She is back on antibiotic and Price is still running fever in the evening, but doesn't have a fever through the night or during the day. Weird.

My sick children; they make the world fall off its axis...(okay, not really, but that is what it feels like). No one is sleeping well in our house. No one but me has an appetite (Braums Rocky Road Ice cream is so comforting). Maggie Beth is cranky, Price is whiny and Jon is grouchy. I am a zombie, totally going through the motions of the day, just focused on making it to 8 p.m. without having a breakdown! Wow! Doesn't this make you want to come hang out with us?

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