Monday, December 5, 2011


I always pictured myself as a stay-at-home mom. I was for five blessed years with Price. I treasure those days and I am grateful for them. When Jon's career made some changes, so did our budget. I found myself in need of a job to help cover expenses. We had our house on the market, but no real plans of what to do next. It all depended on when our house sold and what the circumstances were at that time. We felt a little adrift, but God is so good and always so faithful.

In a passing conversation with our pastor at our church, he asked "what are your plans when you sell the house?" I honestly didn't know. I disliked saying those words, because I am 'the girl with a plan'...always. He offered the house the church owned as a rental for us. I thought 'well that is certainly an idea.' After talking to Jon, we truly felt a peace about leaning in that direction. One day, I called Ezell, (the pastor) and asked him if I could take a look at the house. He met me over there and while we were visiting, he said, "you know, we are looking for a secretary for the church. It is just part time, 20 hours a week, but in exchange, you can live here rent and utilities paid." I couldn't believe it! God, yet again, had provided. There was a precious lady at the church who was available to keep Maggie Beth during the 5 hours a day that I would be working. She and Maggie Beth are at work with me during the day. I am able to take Price to school and pick him up. I can attend field trips and school events when I need to. When my kids are sick, I take off work, no questions asked.

All this sounds great, but the reason I love working at the church is because the people I work with are God loving, generous, kind, hard working, diligent but laid back, funny, sweet, caring and wonderful people. Like myself, they are not perfect, but no one expects perfection. There is such grace and love in these sweet people. When I say 'people' I mean the pastor, his wife who is the children's minister, youth pastor, elders and deacons. They pray for my family, this church and each other. They seek God's will for the direction of the church. They put God first and family second and the job third.

I have found it so refreshing to work with people (for over a year now) that are consistent. Sure, there are 'bad' days, or when people are a little more on edge about something, but that is where showing grace comes in. It has been so important for me to work with people who are uplifting and thoughtful. I am blessed beyond measure to have a friendship with my co-workers. It truly is important to the success of a job, particularly the job of a church. Not many people can say they are happy to go to work. I miss staying home sometimes, but I also know God has a purpose for me as the secretary of our church. My path crosses regularly with the needy, hungry, broken, sick and lost.
I am so thankful to God for his provision and his path for me. Though in the days of feeling in limbo, I know he is working all things for good. I am thankful he saw the bigger picture; the one with me as the church secretary for a precious church that loves the Lord. Great is his faithfulness.

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