Friday, January 8, 2010

Meet Maggie Beth

Our beautiful girl is here! Well...she has been here for 5 weeks now, but it has taken me this long to find a spare minute to sit down and blog about the arrival of little Miss Maggie.

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday December 1. I was dilated to a 2. Dr. Hager said she expected me to be back by Friday. I went home after my appointment and played with Price that afternoon. My parents invited us over that evening for dinner. Jon was reffing a wrestling tournament in Chickasha. Around 7:00, I started having contractions. They were every 8 minutes. I felt them mostly in my back, so I was unsure if what I was feeling was really labor. My mom convinced me that it was. I called Jon. We left Price with my parents and I met Jon at home. He loaded the car and we headed for Mercy around 9:00 pm on a cold drizzly night.

I was put on a monitors to watch Maggie's heartbeat and my contractions. After an hour, I was dilated to a three. She called Dr. Hager and sent me to a labor and delivery room. Jon called my mom and she came to the hospital. The nurse called for my epidural. Within 30 minutes I felt nothing. I had some issues with feeling dizzy and ringing in my ears due to an unsafe drop in my blood pressure. Luckily, the nurses were great and took great care of me. I was progressing so quickly that I was vomiting! Yuck! Before I knew it I was 7 cm dilated! Unfortunately, I got hung up at a 7. Dr. Hager ordered pitosin. Finally I made it to 8 cm, but the contractions were coming too strong and too close together. Maggie's heart rate started to drop with each contraction. We could tell from the buzz of nurses and phone calls that something was "wrong." After asking the nurse, she explained that Maggie's heart rate was causing concern. I was scared. My mom, my best friend Molly, and my dear husband gathered around me to pray. We prayed that God would bring her to our arms soon. We asked him to allow me to dilate quickly, give birth and keep Maggie safe. Just after we prayed, Dr. Hager came in. She was very serious. She informed me that the baby's heart rate was dangerously low and was not returning to a normal level. She quickly asked me how I felt. I told her I could feel pressure. She said she would check to see if I were dilated, but if I were not, we were going to do an emergency C-section. I was a 10! Praise God! They started morphing my bed to prepare for delivery. I was instructed by Dr. Hager to push while she was getting on her gown and gloves. She watched the monitor and told me when to push. After the third push, she said "she has to come out with this push. Give me all you've got." I pushed as hard as I possibly could. Next thing I know, Dr. Hager is holding up my precious little girl! Maggie was screaming! She rubbed her dry and let Jon cut the cord. She placed Maggie on my chest. She became quiet as soon as I started talking to her. She had a head full of dark black hair, just like Price did when he was born. Her eyes were open; blinking slowly and looking around. She was precious and my heart felt like it was going to explode with love. Margaret Elizabeth Molder was born December 2, 2010 at 9:59 a.m. weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, 19.5 inches long.

Price was out in the hallway with Jon's mom when Maggie was born. Jon brought him in to see his baby sister. He walked eagerly over to the bed. He smiled at Maggie and touched her face. He asked to hold her, so he climbed up on the bed with me. Price talked to her and kissed her. It was an amazing moment; holding both of my children in my arms for the first time! The thought still brings tears to my eyes.

We have enjoyed Maggie so much! I can't wait to post stories and pictures about her and Price. Our family has grown by one and we could not be more pleased with our new little princess!!!!

Pictures coming soon!!!!!!!


  1. Congrats Whitney!! So excited for you and your growing family!

  2. Ok, first it should be titled "Meet Maggie Beth Pt. 1" because in the story she hasn't yet arrived.

    And two, it is so not nice of you to tell us about her without posting a pic too! I need to see more of this precious baby girl!!!
    Love you!


  3. yay! I've been waiting for this post.. I mean I obviously know she is here (and I need to snuggle her again) but I'm glad you can slowly start gracing us with your presence here on the blog. And yes, please post a pic.. and what an intense story.. with such a beautiful ending. I felt like I was reading an action novel.. love you Whitney & family.
