Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good Sleeper

When I was pregnant with Maggie I prayed she would be a good sleeper. Well, over the last month my prayer has been answered. Maggie will rub her eyes, yawn, maybe fuss a little or sometimes she will just get very quiet and still when she gets sleepy.

At 2 months old I began putting her down in her crib when she was sleepy. She would cry for a few minutes, then I would console her without picking her up (normally shushing in her ear and patting her bottom) and then walk away. I would repeat this process until she would fall asleep. A couple weeks into it, Maggie Beth decided she was ready to take a paci! Yeah!!! That made things even easier!!!

Now, when Maggie gives me signs that she is sleepy, I rock her for a few minutes, put her down and she lays in her crib without a peep and slowly and peacefully goes to sleep. She loves her room and her bed. Just taking her in there and sitting in the rocker calms her. She does this for naps during the day. At night, she enjoys a bath, lavender scent massage, fresh diaper and clean pj's, snuggles with mama and being fed. My sweet angel falls asleep quickly and comfortably in her bed (on her awesome minky sheets).

I am so thankful for this answered prayer.

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