Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our routine these days

6:15 Maggie wakes, eats, change her diaper
6:35 Hang out with Jon in the living room with Jon and Maggie
6:50 Price in the shower, get Maggie dressed
7:00 Get Price dressed, eat breakfast, get things ready to go to school, make beds
7:45 Maggie down for a nap, do a preschool devotion with Price
8:00 YaYa takes Price to school
8:05 Take a shower, have a cup of coffee
8:20 Pick up around the house
8:35 Maggie wakes, plays on the bed while I dry and fix my hair and put on make up
9:15 Play with Maggie
9:25 Prepare a bottle of breastmilk for Maggie, feed, burp and hold her
9:50 Get supplies together and pump while Maggie plays on the floor by me
10:00 Read to and rock Maggie, change her diaper
10:15 Put Maggie in her crib, pick up the bedrooms
10:20 Put paci back in for Maggie
10:25 Put clothes in dryer, put another load in the washer
run dishwasher
put ironing board and iron away
wipe down the kitchen
put dinner in the crockpot
do Bible study lesson
sort laundry

11:50 make a sandwich for lunch, fold a load of clothes, start another load
12:30 treat myself to a cup of icecream, sit on the couch!!
1:00 Maggie wakes, feed her, change her diaper
1:20 Play with Maggie, tummy time, jumpster
2:00 Fold clothes, start another load, check the mail, vacuum the den
2:35 Jon comes home to bring me the car, I take him back to work
2:50 Pick up Price from school, go to Sonic, deliver a drink to a friend, go by Verizon Wireless
4:00 Get home, feed Maggie, change her diaper, get Price a snack
4:20 Maggie goes down for a nap, fold a load of laundry, put laundry away, hang with Price
5:15 Start making side dishes for dinner with Price
5:45 Serve dinner and clean up, then play with the kids
6:30 Put Maggie in the bathtub, baby massage, diaper, pj's, feeding, lullabies and off to bed
8:00 Help Price brush his teeth and get pj's on, review site words from school
8:15 Jon reads a book to Price and listens to his prayers.
8:30 lights out for Price
I clean up downstairs and get the house ready for the next morning
9:00 watch TV with Jon and check my email. Jon falls asleep on the couch!
10:15 Go to bed!

Of course our routine varies, but I jotted this down throughout the day, just so that someday I can look back and see how I spent my time. I will do this again in a few months. I love this phase in my life and I don't want to forget what it was like.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a little like our household! What a great idea to jot down your day, I may do this sometime this week!
