Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jaw dropped!

Some of my most precious girlfriends and I are helping each other to memorize Psalm 139. A few days ago, I said the first six verses for Price, adding theatrical elements for fun (in a bath robe with a towel on my head)! Ha! I got big applause and "Great job Mama!" He has heard me practice saying Psalm 139 in the car, while emptying the dishwasher and folding clothes....
Part of Price's bedtime routine is saying scripture. We started helping Price to memorize scripture when he was two. He now recites 9 scriptures from memory every night, then he prays and goes to sleep. Tonight we were doing the usual, but after saying his scriptures he said "Now say yours!" "Okay" I replied. I started to recite Psalm 139 and paused for a moment to find the words of the next verse, when my awesome preschool boy fed me the line!!! "your hand of blessing is on my head" My jaw dropped!!! "Yes! That is right!" I exclaimed. My heart leaped with joy! I laughed out loud and hugged him! What a blessing to have my son help ME learn God's word!

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