Saturday, February 28, 2009

Joy in the "ordinary"

Price along with his cousin Brett, spent the night with YaYa and Poppy last night (my mom and dad). This morning, Jon and I went over to eat breakfast and have coffee and pick up Price. Brett is just 9 months younger than Price and they have a great time together. My parents had quite a bit of work to do around the house so I offered to take the boys so they could get stuff done. We came to our house and had a blast! The boys played "super heroes" and locked up the "bad guys" in the tent set up in the hallway. They played with every truck and ball! Price's room was evidence that a good time had been had! A few hours later, I located socks, shoes and coats; got the boys in the car and headed for the mecca of all three year old eateries...McDonald's (or as Price calls it "McDongel's")! After chowing on chicken nuggets, the boys spent the next hour in the lofty tubes of the Play Place running themselves ragged! I ran a couple of errands for myself (Cingular store and quick 4 item grab at the grocery store) then we headed back home. After a Backyardigans DVD and a cherry popsicle, my parents arrived to get Brett. Price and I watched a movie and snuggled under the family quilt on the couch. Price asked for a hamburger for dinner,and since he is not a huge fan of red meat and has been known to be anemic at times, I was thrilled to fulfill his craving. We dined in at Braums and shared a banana milkshake! We laughed and talked about all the fun he and Brett had that day. When we got home, we played a few games together on the computer and then started the bedtime routine. When Price was asleep I had time to reflect on the days events. It was an "ordinary" day. Nothing special...or was it? I felt joyful about the day. I smiled when I remembered some of the dialogue between Price and Brett. I giggle out loud when I recall some of the faces that accompanied the dialogue! As I kept thinking to myself "it was an ordinary day" yet feeling so joyful, I wondered why the word "ordinary" has kind of a mundane or boring ring to it; when it turns out "ordinary" is wonderful! It is comfortable, casual and routine...I pray for more opportunities to find joy in those ordinary days! Simple are His blessings..


  1. So true Whit!!! The ordinary blessings are the best, yet I so often forget that. Thank you for the reminder. :) Love you!

  2. Oh Whitney, I just now looked at this wonderful blog of you, Jon, and precious Price. I miss you adorable people. I am listening to "I Don't Know a Thing" and it's true, but I know that you know this one thing, that you understand Philippians chapter 4, with your joy and contentment. After all isn't that what ordinary really is, "contentment"? Yes dear young friend you have and continue to learn contentment bring Him Honor in all you do. Though I'm not very familiar with following blogs, I want to follow yours as an encouragement and sort of devotional. I am inspired by you, thank you.
    Can't wait to get together. Don't quit trying, let's do it. From my heart, myrlane
