I am so proud of Price. He had been our only child for 4 and a half years. We had hoped that he would adjust well to having a baby in the house, but we could have never imagined that he would be such a wonderful big brother! He loves to greet Maggie when she wakes up in the morning or from her naps. He talks and smiles at her and enjoys giving her hugs and kisses. He talks to her while I change her diaper and loves to play pat-a-cake with her. He sings to her, "reads" books to her and sweetly sssshhh's her when she cries in the car. He introduces her to people at the grocery store, bank, library and church. Price calls her "my Maggie" and "precious girl." He loves to point out toys, clothes and shoes that he thinks she would like. He talks about all the things he wants to teach her; like riding a bike, writing her name and learning to swim. Price likes to take a bath with Maggie and help wash her hair. He is so sweet to her. He honestly has not shown ANY jealousy. He loves his baby sister so much. He often says "I am going to protect her and we are going to be best friends." It warms my heart! One day when we were at McDonald's, I asked Price to "watch Maggie" while I walked about 10 feet away to put our things in the trash. When I turned around, Price was standing with his arms spread out, acting as a road block in front of Maggies carrier. He said "I kept her safe, Mom." He is the best big brother!