Maggie Beth has been a pure JOY! She is sweet,cuddly and so stink'n cute! She smiles big gummy grins when I greet her at the crib. She doesn't mind getting her diaper or clothes changed. When I call her name, she usually smiles and has recently found her voice. She lets out all kinds of sweet coos! It is just precious! Bath time is her absolute favorite activity! She follows Price with her eyes, watches him play and turns her head when she hears his voice. I am breastfeeding, but my girl is a super star at taking the bottle, which daddy and YaYa both appreciate...as do I. Maggie is content to be held and rocked. She also likes the little "exercises" that YaYa does with her. Daddy seems to get the best and biggest grins. He probably has the least amount of face time with her, but she loves her daddy! She is 9 weeks old and her personality is showing more and more each day. Our life has adjusted to having Maggie Beth around and we adore her!!!
She is so adorable and looks so much like you! :)