me and my guy
I have to admit the ice storm of 2010 has been really fun! Wednesday evening I went to the grocery store so we would have plenty of yummy food for the fam. Thursday, as the rain came down, I listened to praise and worship music and cooked muffins, broccoli and cheddar soup, pork roast, potatoes and carrots, and some fettuccine alfredo with Cajun shrimp! My parents have a small generator, so if the power went out, we could hook up the microwave and have warm meals. Our power went out at around 3:00 p.m. My dad was working, helping to sand the roads on the turnpike, so my mom came over. Jon brought home some firewood. The power came back on just 2 hours later!
My cousin, her husband and 4 children were in town. They were staying with my aunt, who lost power. They came over and we had fun!!! We made hamburgers for dinner and Bridget whipped up some rice krispy treats for dessert. The kids played the Wii. Three of the boys slept on the sofa. Price and Princess slept in the tent in the living room. It was pop tarts all around in the morning and more fun on the Wii. I have a scripture that Price and I were working to memorize on a post it note by the stove. It says, "always be ready to share with others whatever God has given to you." I Timothy 6:18. We had a great time sharing our home with family during the ice storm!
On Saturday, we went to my aunt's house for the kids to go sledding! They had a blast and then filled their tummies with pizza and played all afternoon! Bridget and the kids are still here. Their home town is still without power, so the fun continues....
How fun! Great Bible verse too. Love you all!