My friend April used to live down the street from me when we lived in Edmond. We had our babies just 3 months apart (Price and Addison). I spent many many afternoons at her house when Price was little. We attended the same church, mom's groups and shared many of the same friends. Our kids liked playing together as much as we liked visiting. Many evenings after our babies were in bed, we would run to Target or Wal-Mart on a grocery/necessities run or sometimes just to browse around without our children. Sometimes we would go to Starbucks. Most every time we would get totally lost in conversation about motherhood, marriage and faith.
April moved to Colorado in May of 2007. I was so sad to see her go. She has two daughters and gave birth to a son since their move to Colorado. My family moved from Edmond in March of 2008. We are good about keeping in touch. I send pics via text and we chat on the phone and keep up with each other through facebook, blogs and email. 
April was in Oklahoma this weekend. Both her and her husband's family live here, so it is difficult for her to squeeze in time for anyone else. Thankfully, I was able to get some time with her and the kids! The girls are beautiful and have grown so much. Asher is very cute and keeps April busy (as boys tend to do)! We got to catch up while the kids colored with sidewalk chalk. Price was at school so he was not there, but April did get to meet Maggie Beth for the first time today.
April was in Oklahoma this weekend. Both her and her husband's family live here, so it is difficult for her to squeeze in time for anyone else. Thankfully, I was able to get some time with her and the kids! The girls are beautiful and have grown so much. Asher is very cute and keeps April busy (as boys tend to do)! We got to catch up while the kids colored with sidewalk chalk. Price was at school so he was not there, but April did get to meet Maggie Beth for the first time today.
Ilove how true friends are always able to pick up right where we left off. Its seemed as if I had just seen her yesterday. When our time together came to an end, I thought about a song I knew as a kid....
"Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other, gold.
A circle is round, it has no end
that's how long I want to be your friend."
Thank you God for good friends.
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