At 9:30 a.m., he got the call….”Babe, I am pretty sure this is it!” He said “I’ll be right there.” He was home within 20 minutes. We waited about another hour before we headed to the hospital. We called family on the way there. My parents and Jon’s parents met us at the hospital. I was dilated to a 2 and the nurse confirmed that I was indeed in labor. After another hour, I had not dilated any more, so they gave me an Ambien and told me to go home and rest!! Rest? What? I left the hospital feeling nervous about going home, knowing I was in labor. I tossed the Ambien in the flowerbed as I walked out of the hospital. It was about 12:30 p.m.
Our parents met us at our house in Edmond. I laid on my bed for awhile, breathing through every contraction. My mom was there, holding my hand. When the contractions got worse, I walked around in the backyard. I would stop and lean over on my mom while she tickled my arms and helped me focus on breathing properly. My mother-in-law rubbed my back. Jon was nervous and very attentive. Around 4:00 p.m., we decided it was time to go back to Mercy hospital.
I was dilated to a 5. I got my epidural about 30 minutes after arrival. The nurse who sent me home apologized for do so. We talked with friends and family. I kept my eye on the little warming unit that would soon hold our baby boy. Around 9:00 p.m., Jon and I turned out the lights and took a nap! The nurse came in and woke us up around 10:45. I was a 10! The room bustled with blue paper sheets flying through the air uncovering all the delivery equipment. Bright lights were shining on me and they were disassembling my bed like a transformer!
When the doctor arrived she was so cute and cheerful! “Are you ready?” she asked. After three pushes, Price was here!!! I had Jon and my mom at my side. My sis in law, Julie ran the camera (only G rated footage)! Price was born at 11:15 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 14oz. 20 in. long! Price Riley had a head full of dark hair, eyes wide open and my little birdie was ready to eat! It was clear from the beginning that he looked just like Jon, dimples and all!
I will never forget seeing his sweet face for the first time. My life and my heart has never been the same. He is by far the best thing I have ever done. Our precious boy is funny, creative, cuddly, entertaining, sincere, outgoing, athletic, energetic and is full of spunk! The last four years have been the best of my life. Happy Birthday to our wonderful boy! Price, you are priceless!
I could not stop looking at him!
Jon was SO PROUD!
We could not wait to take him home! We spent the next hundreds of hours studying the miracle of our baby boy!
Jon asked my mom to come stay with us! She was there for 2 weeks! It was awesome!!! I balled like a baby when she left!
so sweet. Not a bad addiction to have, huh? xoxox Happy Birthday to Pricer~ yay #4.