Monday, April 27, 2009

Upside down apple pie

Last night I was feeling quite domestic, so I put in an apple pie to bake just after dinner. The house was filling up with the perfect aroma of warm apple pie. I cleaned up the dishes from dinner, folded some laundry and put Price in the tub. When the timer went off on the oven, I proudly walked over with mitts on my hands, opened the oven door and reached for the pie. The pie was on a baking sheet (without edges) and as I pulled the tray out of the oven, the pie slid backwards; and I swear it happened in slow motion... the pie hit the back of the oven then tipped over and dumped into the bottom of the oven!!! I stood there in shock watching the insides of my apple pie bubble and sizzle on the bottom of the oven! The racks were dripping with apple goo. Jon took the racks outside and hosed them down. I could tell the whole time he was trying not to burst into laughter. It was quite funny! I mean, what else can you do, right? I salvaged the pie pan that had just enough pie left in it for Jon and I to enjoy a few bites; with whip cream even!
I let the oven cool, then scooped up the spilled pie with a spatula and cleaned the inside of the oven with hot water and dish soap! What a mess! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like something that would happen to me! that's really funny. At least your house smelled good~
