Sunday, October 18, 2009

32 Weeks!

Yeah! I have made it another week! I have an appointment on Wednesday, so we will see what the doctor has to say about how things are going. I have had some serious pain and pressure in my pelvic area. I looked up this symptom of pregnancy on the internet and apparently it is very common! Great! I did not have this with Price, but am glad to know it is a weird normal of pregnancy! I guess it is the bodies way of preparing for delivery. Hormones called relaxin and progesterone cause ligaments and joints to stretch to allow room to deliver baby. God thought of everything when He created the miracle of childbirth!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for another week!!! And Price's comments in the previous post were precious!!! When I was reading your blog Caiah was sitting with me and when she saw it she said "That's my Price, Mama! That's my friend!"

    So fun!

    Love you,
