Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Down, but not out!

Okay, so I feel very touched that people have noticed my lack of blogging. I have been preoccupied lately to say the least. Here are a few updates in a nutshell:

1) We have not had the internet at home for awhile, so blogging has not been convenient, considering it has to be done from my parent's computer. Luckily, the internet is making a come back in the Molder home and I will be blogging regularly just in time to keep you updated on Maggie and her much anticipated arrival.

2) Speaking of Miss Maggie Beth, she is under a great deal of pressure! Literally! Like I did with Price, I have started having contractions WAY too early! This time though, they are stronger and more frequent. I made a quick trip to Labor and Delivery about 2.5 weeks ago and got IV fluids and a couple shots of meds to stop the contractions. At last weeks doctor appointment, I was put on "limited activity," which means for every hour up, I have to be down for two!!! Kinda hard to do with a busy 4 year old boy. Price has been amazing though. We have not made a big deal at all about my having to be down. I set him up for a couple of hours of entertainment (movie, army men, Leap Frog Computer, coloring books...) and he doesn't really even notice that I remain parked on the couch. Friends have been vacuuming my carpets and my mom helps me to take care of the laundry. Dr. Hager (my OB) also said that my contractions have pushed her way down into my pelvis. She is "really low," which is causing concern that my water will break. If that happens, there is no turning back. Maggie will have to make her debut when she is not "fully cooked." I am 31 weeks. I count my weeks on Sunday's. Every week is a small battle won! Dr. Hager is wanting me to make it to at least 36 weeks (37 is considered full term, 40 weeks goes up to my due date, Dec 13). Therefore...."limited activity."

3) Last Thursday evening, I started getting a head cold. I didn't hesitate to start taking meds. I don't wait for illness to consume me, I want to kick it square in the tail and send it pack'n! By Friday night, I was in bad shape. Saturday was a little better. I discovered the miracle of Sinus Wash! For something so disgusting, it is amazing. I highly recommend it for those suffering from a head full of mucus.! Honestly, it is great. By Sunday, I was feeling better. Today, I awoke to a dreadful pain in my left cheek, ear and behind the eye. I am concerned I have the start of a sinus infection. Apparently there is such thing as "rhinitis of pregnancy," which causes pregnant women to suffer from habitual sinus problems. This is the second round of this stuff in a month.

Though I am down (trying to ward off contractions and fighting a head/chest cold), I am not out! I will do whatever it takes to keep Maggie cooking. To be honest, it has been good practice for me and Price. He is having to do a little more on his own (even though he doesn't realize it or why). I am having to let many things go that would normally NOT go undone; such as beds being made, a few dishes in the sink, my crazy scrubbing of the bathrooms, and toys strung out all over the living room...all day long! This is good practice, because like now, when Maggie gets here, I will not be able to hop up and meet Price's every need when he asks. I will not be able to keep a spotless home, keep up with laundry and cook meals every night. I just might have to consider taking a shower a productive day! Ha! I remember feeling that way when Price was a newborn.

I have longed to be pregnant, and believe me, I am thankful for every moment. Physical limitations and all!!! I love carrying her around with me and feeling her move. Sadly, she will probably be our last baby. My last pregancy. The last time my body does anything so amazing. I am not in any hurry for it to be over. I count it all JOY!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! We all stuggle with wishing our lives away. If only....I can't wait until...when I have this...yaddy yaddy yada.

    Just keep enjoying each day!

    I love you!
