Thursday, March 5, 2009

The games boys play

Often times when Price uses the potty, I hear "Yes!" or "Oh man!" or "Go! Go get it!" or "Hurry!" from behind the bathroom door (it is usually a combination of a few of these, also accompanied by sound effects ). I dismissed it for awhile, but today my curiosity got the best of me. I asked Price what all the chatter was about in the bathroom and he told me that when he goes pee pee he plays a game. Even more curious at this point, I asked what kind of game he was playing. He said that "the first pee pee makes bubbles in the water and the second pee pee chases the bubbles and makes them explode!" Slightly confused, I asked to monitor this game next time he "played." A couple of hours later he reminded me of my request and announced he was going to use the potty. I watched quietly from a distance. He explained the game to me. Turns out the "first pee pee" is the when the stream actually hits the "pond" and makes "bad guys." The "second pee pee" is the remainder of the flow "crashing" the "bad guys" and making them "explode." I felt surprised; surprised that even going to the restroom was an adventure! And if you know Price, you know how much he gets inside his imagination to play! I also felt extremely unfamiliar with all his boyness! We have a lot of girls in our family. (My Nana is one of six girls, my mom one of three girls and I have mostly girl cousins)! My only response was to laugh and remind Price to wipe up his drips, put the seat down, and wash his hands!

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